Thursday, 27 September 2012

Zoloft – an effective cure for SAD

People suffering from social anxiety disorder or SAD have some irrational fears that make them introvert and unsocial. They have an unreasonable feeling of being observed, judged or evaluated. Sweating, trembling hands, racing heartbeat and muscle tension are some of the symptoms that are observed in such people. If not treated well in time, such disorder may result in attempting suicide or murder by the patient.

Social anxiety disorder cures:
The most common treatments for such mental disorders are stress relief drugs and cognitive behavioral therapy. Many doctors suggest to buy Zoloft which is one of the most commonly used antidepressants. Like other stress relief medicines, it enables some chemical reactions in the brain to take place that help in releasing stress. Though its effectiveness depends upon how the individual’s body and mind react to the drug. 

Cognitive behavioral therapy:
This is a therapy specially designed for the patients of SAD. It has three main components which are exposure, cognitive reformation and communal skill training. The first step that is exposure involves making the person face the feared situations to build up confidence. Cognitive reformation is based upon the study of how mental processes like memory, attention and understanding language take place and how dysfunctional thoughts which result in anxiety can be avoided. The last step that is social skill training is for those patients who find it difficult to interact socially.

In addition to these treatments, the most important thing is the desire of the patient to recover. If he is willing to recover from his condition, the treatment can produce quick results. Other practices like breath exercises, muscle relaxation workout, getting a proper diet and getting enough sleep also help a lot in a fast recovery. Though commonly used, it is not recommended to buy Zoloft without a doctor’s prescription.

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